作者:直播谷 | 发表于:2022-10-18 | 阅读:8107次



1982年西班牙世界杯的主题曲是《Kamen Prelude》(卡门序曲),没有演唱者。






We're on our way,

We are Ron's twenty-two

Hear the roar,

Of the red, white and blue

This time, more than any other time, this time,

We're going to find a way,

Find a way to get away,

This time, getting it all together

To win them all,

It's what we'll set out to do

We have a dream,

We know you're sharing it too

This time, more than any other time, this time,

We're going to find a way,

Find a way to get away,

This time, getting it all together

We'll get it right

This time, get it right,

This time

It makes you wonder,

It makes you proud

To play for England,

And hear the crowd

As we're marching

On towards victory

This time,

This time

We're on our way,

We are Ron's twenty-two

Hear the roar,

Of the red, white and blue

This time, more than any other time, this time,

We're going to find a way,

Find a way to get away,

This time, getting it all together

We'll get it right

This time, we'll get it right



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